
  • Email:wsh818285@dzu.edu.cn
  • 所在院系:生物物理研究院
  • 办公室地址:启智楼0566



魏树花,1992年出生,山东日照人,现任德州学院生物物理研究院讲师。2024年6月毕业于山东师范大学分析化学专业,博士研究生。已发表SCI论文6篇,相关工作发表在Analytical Chemistry、Chemical Communications国际专业期刊。






1、Shu-hua Wei,Jinping Hu,Zhimei Sheng,Qian Zhang, Jie Zhang, Baogang Zhang,* Meng Liu,* and Chun-yang Zhang*. Construction of Fluorescent G-Quadruplex Nanowires for Label-Free and Accurate Monitoring of Circular RNAs in Breast Cancer Cells and Tissues with Low Background. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 96(1), 599-605.

2、Shu-hua Wei,§ Meng Liu,§ Juan Hu,* and Chun-yang Zhang*.Target-initiated cascade signal amplification lights up a G-Quadruplex for a label-free detection of circular ribonucleic acids.Analytical Chemistry.2022, 94(25),9193-9200.

3、Fei Ma,‡ Shu-hua Wei,‡ and Chun-yang Zhang*.Construction of a robust entropy-driven DNA nanomachine for single-molecule detection of rare cancer cells. Analytical chemistry. 2019,91 (12),7505-7509.

4、Fei Ma,‡a Shu-hua Wei,‡a Junhong Leng,‡b Bo Tang *a and Chun-yang Zhang*a A simple “mix-and-detection” method for the sensitive detection of telomerase from cancer cells under absolutely isothermal conditions. Chemical Communications.2018, 54(20),2483-2486.

5、Xiao-wen Liu a,1, Yun Han b,1, Shu-hua Wei a,1, Bao-mei Zhou b, Xiaoran Zou a,*, Chun-yang Zhang b.* "Construction of a self-priming hairpin probe for rapid and isothermally one-step detection of multiple long noncoding RNAs in living cells and tissues." Chemical Engineering Journal 2025, 505, 159600.

       6、Zichen Jiao a,1, Ning-ning Zhao b,1, Shu-hua Wei c,*, Dong-ling Li d, Tao Wang a,*, Chun-yang Zhang d,*. "Construction of a light-up multicolor fluorescent aptasensor for simultaneous measurement of multiple miRNAs in breast cancer tissues." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2025, 433, 137542.

Email wsh818285@dzu.edu.cn 所在院系 生物物理研究院
个人主页 办公室地址 启智楼0566

主办单位:山东省生物物理重点实验室     联系电话:0534-8985894     邮箱:swwfzdsyd@163.com
实验室地址:山东省德州市德城区大学西路566号     邮政编码:253023