于雪,1993年3月出生,山东青岛人,德州学院生物物理研究院讲师。2022年7月毕业于华东理工大学生物化工专业,博士研究生。参与多项国家重点研发项目,累计发表论文5篇,相关工作发表于Journal ofChromatographyA, Separation and Purification Technology,Polymer等国际具有影响的专业期刊。
1.Xue Yu, Hainan Zeng, Junfen Wan*, Xuejun Cao*. Computational design of a molecularly imprinted polymer compatible with an aqueous environment for solid phase extraction of chenodeoxycholic acid.Journal of chromatography A. 2020, 1609 (460490), IF= 4.759.
2. Xue Yu,Jinmin Liao,Hainan Zeng, Junfen Wan*, Xuejun Cao* Synthesis ofWater-compatible Noncovalent Imprinted Microspheres forAcidic orBasicBiomoleculesDesignedBased on MolecularDynamics. Polymer.2022, 257 (125253), IF=4.43.
3. Xue Yu, Hainan Zeng, Junfen Wan*, Xuejun Cao*.Rational Design of Non-Covalent Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Based on the Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Quantum Mechanics Calculation. Journal of molecular liquids. Under Review, IF=6.165.
4. Hainan Zeng,Xue Yu, Junfen Wan*, Xuejun Cao*. Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers based on boronate affinity for diol-containing macrolide antibiotics with hydrophobicity-balanced and pH-responsive cavities.Journal of chromatography A. 2021, 461969,IF= 4.759.
5. Hainan Zeng,Xue Yu, Junfen Wan*, Xuejun Cao*. Rational design and synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for purifying tylosin by seeded precipitation polymerization.Process Biochemistry. 2020, IF= 3.858.
6.Hainan Zeng, Solmaz Hajizadeh,Xue Yu, Junfen Wan, Lei Ye*, Xuejun Cao*. Synthesis of Core@Brush Microspheres by ATRP for Capturing Phosphoprotein β-casein utilizing Iron Ion Chelation and Schiff Base Bio-conjugation,Separation and Purification Technology. 2022, IF=8.942.