中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目 水曲柳bHLH转录因子在生长、氮缺乏、磷缺乏、水分缺乏中的功能分析(2572017AA15)3万 主持 2017.3-2021.3
1. Zhao XT, Yu L, Li CZ, Liang NS; Zeng FS, Zhan YG. DELLA-Mediated Gibberellin Acid Participation in the Regulation of Dormancy and Growth of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. Forests 2023, 14, 2128.
2. Zhao XT, Liang NS, He LM, Yu L, Cao Y, Xia DA, Xiao Y, Zhang GQ, Zeng FS and Zhan YG. Variation in carbon traits among Fraxinus mandshurica populations and allometric equations between carbon traits and growth traits [J]. New Forests, 2021, 52, 921-942.
3. Zhao XT, Yu L, Liu Z, Liu JF, Ji XT, Zhang X, Liu MQ, Mei YS, Zeng FS and Zhan YG. Transcriptome Analysis for Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. Seedlings from Different Carbon Sequestration Provenances in Response to Nitrogen Deficiency[J]. Forests, 2021, 12(2):257.
4. Zhao XT, Zhang X, Liu Z, Lv YP, Song TT, Cui JH, Chen TC, Li JX, Zeng FS and Zhan YG. Comparing the Effects of N and P Deficiency on Physiology and Growth for Fast-and Slow-Growing Provenances of Fraxinus mandshurica[J]. Forests, 2021, 12(12): 1760.
5. 赵兴堂,夏德安,曾凡锁,姚盛智,商永亮,张桂芹,王元兴,张同伟,詹亚光.水曲柳生长性状种源与地点互作及优良种源选择[J].林业科学,2015,51(03):140-147.